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How to use this manual

To assist you in finding your way through the manual, the Section Title and major headings are given on the left side of the page.

A Table of contents is provided on the right side of each section to guide you to the item to be repaired.

At the beginning of each section, precautions are given that pertain to all repair operations contained in that section. Read these precautions before starting any repair task.

Troubleshooting tables are included for each system to help you diagnose the problem and find the cause. The repair for each possible cause is referenced in the remedy column to quickly lead you to the solution.

Repair procedures

Most repair operations begin with an overview illustration. It identifies the components and shows how the parts fit together.

Example: Example

The procedures are presented in a step-by-step format:

  • The illustration shows what to do and where to do it.
  • The task heading tells what to do.
  • The detailed text tells how to perform the task and gives other information such as specifications and warnings.

Example: Example

This format provides the experienced technician with a FAST TRACK to the information needed. The upper case task heading can be read at a glance when necessary, and the text below it provides detailed information. Important specifications and warnings always stand out in bold type.


References have been kept to a minimum. However, when they are required you are given the page to refer to.


Specifications are presented in bold type throughout the text where needed. You never have to leave the procedure to look up your specifications. They are also found in Appendix A, for quick reference.

Cautions, notices, hints

  • CAUTIONS are presented in bold type, and indicate there is a possibility of injury to you or other people.
  • NOTICES are also presented in bold type, and indicate the possibility of damaged to the components being repaired.
  • HINTS are separated from the text but do not appear in bold. They provide additional information to help you efficiently perform the repair.